
Thursday, June 7, 2018


 The things that I  liked about this class was the time we had to write on our E-ports. I enjoyed the many life lessons that each new blog had in store for me. I also enjoyed the use of our journals and each journal entry that went into it. I will continue to write in my goals journal for its healthy purpose in helping me reflect on my thoughts and ideas. What I could enjoy was learning about how computers can serve as a blank canvas to creativity. 

  Over all there is not much i didn't like about this class. 

3. Some of my recommendations are to have more hands on computer based projects. That although we learn about computers it would be good to dissect the function of a computer.  For example have a old computer to open apart and learn from.  

4. I re read my journal to see my growth and how much my heart and mind have matured.   


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Current "Note-taking software applications 

Image result for note taking software applications

- Microsoft OneNote
- Google keep
- simplenote
- Zoho notebook
- Apple notes
- Hackpad
- Box paper
- Drop box notes 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Current Comp. Software Programs

Image result for computer software and applications
  1. IXL
  2. KHAN Academy 
  3. google: docs , powerpoint, word , slides
  4. Apple 
  5. iMac

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Who's Who in computer science?

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Mark Zuckerberg

 Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg  as its chairman and chief executive officer. He is an  American technology entrepreneur that founded facebook within his dorm room. He was sucessfull in creating facebook a multi million dollar company. 

The qualities of a total winner Image result for winner

1. Positive self- expectancy 

Our mindset has lots to do with our outcome. Self expectancy is the mindset of  expecting yourself to give your best in the level of possibly winning. Its not arrogance, its not positive thinking, and its not ignorance. Although many people see it that way. For example when someone goes into something with the mindset of winning others see it as arrogance but its really you're  influencing yourself to thinking of the possibility of winning  thus putting the effort to win. Some believe its being positive  and not reality but that does the opposite of encouraging you to do your best and believing in yourself. Self expectancy is acknowledging your ability to action what you know and being able to with that accomplish your goal. Charles Kettering said, " high achievement takes place in the frame work of high expectancy ", which gives a level of importance to why its good to expect the best for you to perform the best. Its not pushing yourself esteem. That is why it must be something positive adn not negative. Many people think its asking a lot for yourself but it really is good to opening perspective that things can be achieved by yourself. Its important to getting you closer to accomplishing a goal. 
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2. Positive self - motivation

What I always tell myself is that if  you don't motivate yourself no one will. Motivation on its own is important but self motivation is crucial. No matter if other people acknowledge your potential you wont exceed it if you don't see it in yourself. It influences the decisions you make and the places you'll end up in. If there is no self motivation in your own life then you wont learn to treasure yourself. When you don't value yourself someone else will put a value on you. Martin Luther king Jr. once said," if you cant walk crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward". This quote revolves around the fact that when something fails you try something else thats true motivation.

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3. Positive self- image

The way we see ourselves will be the way well carry ourselves. The places you'll go will reflect on where you believe you deserve to be. If you don't come to know what you deserve you wont know where you belong to be. As well as the way you see yourself is how others will respect you. The world can be very convincing at times. It influences your dress wear, attitude, and thoughts. Its important to have a positive image of yourself in order to evade this from happening. Your own view on yourself influences your standards. The way you see yourself will determine how high you'll reach for. If you see yourself as mediocre that is what you'll strive for. 

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4. Self-direction

Many times its easy to loose your way because your not well rooted on where you want to be. Its good to know your goal or direction because then you know what steps to take to get to that certain location. When you don't know where your headed you'll end up somewhere you don't desire. Others will easily fool you when you don't have a sense of direction. Its preparation when you have an idea of what plans you have for yourself. Direction is important in order to be able to get to a place you want to be you need to know the direction even your actions will take you. 

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5.Self - control
   There are many things that we face in this life that requires one to  have self control. When you don't have any its hard to pursue your goals. A person who doesn't have self control  looses sight of their goals and are easily driven by their emotions. This person becomes less likely to obtain success in the long run. When you have self control your driven not by your emotions but your logical in identifying what will benefit you the most. Its for yourself to know yourself better and to understanding your limits. You learn a lot by pushing yourself in understanding the importance of self control.

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6. Self discipline

Self discipline is crucial to your identity and being able to carry yourself around others who are not. When you don't have discipline your easily able to make a mistake. Its harder to make good choices  and to stay in a good path. Persistence is more difficult because your not able to commit.Others will see this an your opportunities will be limited. Focus comes with discipline in getting something done. You abstain from things that are not beneficial at the moment. 

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7. Self esteem 

Going through struggle may slow your way up to success. What many don't analyze is the amount of struggle something physical can bring. Some examples of this is maybe financial struggles or health issues. All of these are good reasons for having a struggle. The worst struggle that will most definitely  be the biggest road block to succeeding is self esteem. If you have a marvelous self esteem you can take the whole world. Although if you have low self esteem it will be difficult to action out any ideas when your not sure about your capabilities. You'll be doubting every decision and not feeling confident. This will reflect on the way you carry yourself and the way you present yourself. 

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8. Self Dimension

Its good to have self dimension once in a while. Its good not to dwell in the past because then you can not move forward. Although its not good to get to ahead of what you cant control. Its good to focus  on our surroundings. This will reflect on the way you carry yourself and the way you present yourself. 

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9. Self awareness
 Self awareness is very important towards every situation. Its helpful in order to be conscious of those around you. A lot of times because where not aware of our surroundings we often get into trouble or into situations we wouldn't want to be in. Awareness is about being conceous of what you say and how you say something. Its being attentive to your peers the standard you hold yourself to. Its examining yourself

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10.positive action

positivity is having an optimistic attitude. There are many benefits of having a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude helps to achieve your goals and help you succeed in your in career. having a positive attitude betters your health. You can improve your teamwork skills by having a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude increases your self esteem and confidence. You also produce more energy when you have a positive attitude. Being positive will have positive effects on your life. Having a positive attitude creates a positive envirorment. By doing positive things you will live a better life. you will have a more positive vibe around you.       

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